Next summer's vacation.
Ocracoke this year. Here next year. A whole island to yourself.
I never really liked Tom Cruise [edited not to be kind-of-over-the-top bitchy]:). Too cocky for me and not a very good actor either. Always seems to be overcompensating for something. Maybe something is a little smaller than he'd like. Besides his stature, I mean.
You are five months old today. What a sweet joy you are! The time has gone by so quickly. You are a chubby little guy and are also very long. You like to smile a lot, especially when people talk to you. You charm everyone with your grins and happy disposition.
We are going on a real vacation this summer. Well, as real as it can be with a bambino and a 2-year-old. Heh. This is our first vacation since 2002 when we went to England/Wales/Scotland (mostly Scotland), oh yeah, and Iceland. That was back when we had two incomes and flights were cheap out of Boston.
Just wondering what people think about kids watching TV. . .
This has been going around, but I came across it again most recently Chez Cranky Mommy and decided I needed to know what my world view is. I don't know about the Creative part, or the cultural either, for that matter. Hmm.
You scored as Cultural Creative. Cultural Creatives are probably the newest group to enter this realm. You are a modern thinker who tends to shy away from organized religion but still feels as if there is something greater than ourselves. You are very spiritual, even if you are not religious. Life has a meaning outside of the rational.
What is Your World View? (updated) created with |
tagged by the lovely Mel
a loud fart as the front door opened, heard by me as I sat on the couch in the den at the back of the house.
As I'm getting some ice cream out of the freezer, my mother says to me from her seat across the room on the couch where she's watching TV, "You know what's good on vanilla ice cream?"
Yesterday was such a good day with the babe and the toddler. The babe took an hour nap in the morning, so I could spend some one-on-one time with the toddler. The toddler was even happy to play on his own a little bit and so I was able to get some stuff done around the house.
This is what I saw when I came downstairs after getting Baby A. A future plumber, maybe? He's even been working on the plumber's crack thing. lol. He was saying "Helping. Wash-wash."
There will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth around here next week, or maybe bitching and gritting of teeth would be a better way to put it. Dottie & Dave are coming to visit. Why does this always seem like a good idea? It's like I have amnesia or something. Three or four months after each visit, I start to think, hmmm, I wish my parents would come and visit. Crazy, I tell you.
I'm bummed about the Chappelle Show. We loved that show. Hope he can sort things out. I think it would be hard to be in the position of being paid $50 million to be funny. That's a lot of funny. Being the perfectionist that I am, I'd be totally paralyzed, too.
I wanted to clarify from yesterday's post that I did not mean to imply that Grandma is not well taken care of because she has sons. She's been well taken care of by my uncle and his wife. My aunt is like a daughter to her. They are wonderful people. And my Grandma has lots of health issues requiring constant nursing care that her sister doesn't. I just think it probably is a little different having your sons take care of you than daughters. Just like, I think it's different when your daughter has a baby as opposed to when your daughter-in-law has a baby. It's just different.
We went to visit my Grandmother today. She's 92 years old and just went into a nursing home from living on her own in an apartment. I've felt very guilty about not getting up to see her sooner because she only lives about and hour and a half away. But I'm glad we got to see her and she was thrilled to see baby A. She's not doing well physically, but is sharp as a tack. She doesn't really like the nursing home -- who would? and says that moving there has been the hardest thing that she's done in her entire life. In her entire life.
A funny thing about me. I don't like talking about myself. I used to spend most of the time in a conversation volleying to keep the other person talking so that I wouldn't have to think of something to say about myself. Consequently, I attracted people who like to talk about themselves a little toomuch. Then, when I actually had some crisis and needed to talk, they were like, Oh, she talks; I didn't sign on for this supportive listener stuff. This tended to just reinforce my perception that I don't have anything interesting to say.
Our Tar*get has all this Braves clothing for toddlers, even cute little shirts for girls with the Braves logo in pink. Where's the Red Sox stuff?!
So my husband thinks I'm a delinquent because I've been following the Michael Jackson trial. Being a (former) lawyer, I'm a sucker for trials and stuff like this. I like hearing about the ins and outs and legal wranglings and also watching how Court TV does its best to make them so much more exciting than they really are. This trial happens to be pretty salacious, as it is, though, no matter whether he's guilty or not. He's definitely been shown by a proponderance of the evidence to be a freak.
You Are 50% Normal (Somewhat Normal) |
![]() While some of your behavior is quite normal... Other things you do are downright strange You've got a little of your freak going on But you mostly keep your weirdness to yourself |
courtesy of Jennie
Yesterday we spent all day at home. It was a park day for playgroup no. 1. Parks are not a good idea for us these days, so we skipped this week. Mommy was going a little stir crazy though, so we got out early this morning and went to the mall play area. The mall play area rocks because it's enclosed and there's usually lots of other little guys there running around. We go there right before 10:00 and were the first ones there, but soon there were more. Daniel had a good time running around, climbing on the play equipment and screeching his toddler language at other little toddlers who sometimes screeched back and sometimes ran away crying. Not sure why.
I bought this book recently in order to stave off those restless late afternoons when I just can't read the Big Truck Book one more time. This afternoon, we made the dump cake. So, it started out like this:
I had parent-duty at parents-morning-out today which means I got to spend the morning not only with my toddler, but with three others for three hours in a small room. Plus, the baby who didn't want to eat because he was too excited about watching the big kids play. It's pretty cute though. No wonder the second children tend to do things earlier -- they love to watch everything the older ones do. You can almost see Andrew straining to get up and run after Daniel.
It seems that the runaway bride of last week has spawned a whole cottage industry of memorabilia on ebay.
Baby A was coughing pretty hard in the car today as we were doing errands. He and I are still deep in the throes of this cold. Daniel was quiet for a minute and then said, "Bless you, baby Andrew."
Mmmmm, margaritas. Or margarita, rather. I've got the cold, so the smallest amount of tequila is going to knock me out. But it tastes so gooood.
I added a link to make the blog accessible to feed readers beyond those that can see Atom. (See the feedburner icon on the sidebar.) I'm trying to figure out which feed reader to use. I use Firefox Thunderbird which offers an RSS reader and then there's Pluck and then there's Lektora. Do you use a feed reader? Which one do you like?
As usual, the toddler is trying my patience at every turn. I realized yesterday that there's one point at which I get frazzled almost every morning. After getting everybody dressed, fed breakfast, and after I get some breakfast, probably feeding baby A at some point during all this, and then trying to do some cleaning up of the breakfast mess, I'm ready to sit down for a few minutes and sip some coffee or whatever. Usually, by then, the toddler is happily playing, throwing his cars off the bench in the kitchen or whatever. But this is also the time that he usually does his business, if you know what I mean. So, just as I'm getting ready to relax and enjoy some coffee and recharge the batteries, it's either endure the smell for a few minutes until my "break" is over, but then it's not really a break because you spend it dreading the impending diaper change/wrestling match or go ahead and change it. I usually change it, but this takes the toddler away from whatever activity has been holding his attention for the last little bit of time. And then he wants my attention or the baby needs to be fed again or whatever. There goes my "break." Damn poopy diaper.
Yep, that's right. Baby A had his 4 month check-up today, complete with four shots in the sweet, squishy thighs. Poor thing. He cried harder and longer this time. We've got four again in two months. :( Anyway, he's growing like crazy. I think he might have just gone through another growth spurt because several days ago he was wanting to eat and eat and eat. I was like, but you don't need to grow anymore right now. He begged to differ. So, at four months, he weighs 17.5 pounds and is 27+ inches long. Alas, we have to retire the baby bucket.
Will be bumping up the Zo*loft. And will also be taking it in the morning rather than at night. Seems it's more effective that way. Who knew?
OK, I realized later on that I probably shouldn't have made the comment about how easy it is with one child. Many of you have only one child and I'm sure don't find it so easy. I know I didn't. But yet, we went ahead and added another one anyway. Silly us. We won't give him back though. He's the sweetest, smiliest, squishiest baby ever. And he has his 4-month check-up tomorrow. I can't remember if he'll get shots or not, but I'm hoping not. Once again, everybody in my house is sick, but me. D spiked a fever last week and then developed a nasty cough which I now think might be allergy-related. Baby A seems to have the cold, too, with some sneezing & sniffling. J is feeling like crap today and went to bed at 10:30 which hardly ever happens. Not to mention that he got tons of sleep this past weekend. "Tons" meaning sleeping in until 8:30 a.m. and catching a long nap with the baby. So, Baby A will get checked out tomorrow along with the Toddler.
One of the things that sold me on our house is the light it gets. In the morning, the sunlight floods the back of the house where the kitchen is and our bedroom. In the afternoon, it hits the front side and comes pouring in a large cathedral window over the front door. These azaleas are right outside the front door and were particularly spectacular in the afternoon light.
This is so dead-on, I had to snag it! Ah, the memories.
My chapter of thiswomen's organization that I recently became a member of (OK, stop snickering -- you know who you are) threw me a belated baby shower yesterday. Instead of baby stuff, it was a "pamper mom" shower. I did get a couple of baby things, but I also got a $200 gift certificate to a local spa. Score! I'm trying to decide what I want to get done. I need a pedicure. I've had a facial there before which was really nice, so I'll probably do that, plus an eyebrow waxing. A massage? Probably not. They do give lessons in make-up application though which is something I've always wanted to do, so I may do that.
I have an appointment with a ppd specialist tomorrow. Kind of nervous. I'm never very good at these intial meetings where you have to summarize your life. Anyway, I hope it goes well. I'm currently taking a low level of Zol*oft and I'm hoping that perhaps increasing my dose will be enough to take the edge off. I got nervous about taking it when it was in the news related to a couple of court cases where criminal defendants claimed that the Zol*oft was the reason for their actions. I have enough irritability and my fuse is so short -- I wouldn't want to add to that at all. I'm all for being dissuaded of the idea that Zoloft is exacerbating my negative moods though. I hate trying new meds and wondering how they are going to effect me. Stupid trial and error. Plus, Z*oloft is safe with breast-feeding where most others are not. It might be nice to wean right now, but I don't really want to. Besides, Andrew has been so attached to the bo*ob the last couple of days. It's as if he knows that it's been suggested that perhaps the bo*ob might disappear. Heh. Please wish me luck.
Why is it that it's only after you have a second child that you realize that it's pretty easy with just one. J took baby A to church with him this morning. I stayed home with the toddler who's sick again with some undefined upper respiratory affliction. I got so much done around the house, and managed to get some good quality time in with D. It was nice.