Tuesday, July 27

Wow!! Did you see Obama speak?

He was incredible! A state senator from Illinois. I thought this and some others said this after his speech -- he could very well be our first black President. What an amazing speech!

isn't language development pretty incredible?

our little guy is almost 17 months and he's starting to talk up a storm. I apparently say "wow" quite a bit and little D has picked that up. "Wow!" he says. When he sees trucks, he exclaims, "kuh! kuh!" He tried to show his toy truck to our midwife today, saying "kuh! kuh!"

Tonight we were sure that he was saying two and eight as we were looking at a book that had numbers in it. "Too! Ay! Too! Ay!" Everything is an exclamation. He says OK and something that sounds like "let's go."

He says "shoes" and if he wants to go outside, he'll bring his shoes to you to put on. If you ask him where the duck is, he'll go find it and say "quack, quack, quack!"

The only problem with them learning words though is you can't pretend like you don't hear them or don't understand them b/c they'll just keep saying it over and over and over. :)

He's started biting more though which is not very fun. His favorite thing to do is bite my knee, especially when I'm not paying attention to him, like when I'm . . . say. . . on the computer, for example. :) At first I tried to stop him from doing it, because it bugs the crap out of me and he's starting to do it harder. But that only seems to make him do it more. So, I've started trying to ignore it, but then ask him a question like "are you hungry?" or something like that, trying to teach him (eventually) to use words to ask for what he wants. Who knows -- there's probably not much to be done -- it's just one of the phases they go through. The thing is sometimes he's doing it out of frustration but sometimes he's just playing -- and he gets this from us. We'll play bite him while chasing him, so of course he's going to do that back eventually. Duh.

Monday, July 26

need template help

maybe somebody knows how to do this -- I've added the "Links" to my sidebar, but I'd like it to look like the other titles in my sidebar with fancy graphics, etc. -- not sure how to do that. I'll go searching around Blogger help. . .

convention starts today in Boston

My husband in particular is pretty excited about the Democratic Convention starting in Boston today. I am, too, but probably a little less so. He's been reading Clinton's biography -- I think he's about halfway through and is probably on page 700-something. But he's really enjoyed reading it. Don't know if I'll tackle it or not -- takes me a couple of months to read a 150 page book.

I'm glad I'm not in Boston, at least in some ways -- the hassle and inconvenience of it sounds like a nightmare, although maybe I would have gotten a week off of work. On the other hand, I'm sure there's a lot of excitement in the city which would be fun to be a part of (and it doesn't just have to do with beating the Yankees twice in a row at home :)). It's fun to be right in the middle of things sometimes.

I never know where to end my posts -- I kind of just want to end it there, but for some reason that doesn't seem like a good stopping place. Maybe I should pontificate on Kerry & Edwards or what I think the convention will be like, but I don't really feel like it, so I won't.

Sunday, July 25

pregnancy update

Welcome, to my new location. Still getting it set up like I want it.

We'll I'm almost 17 weeks into pregnancy no. 2. We had the ultrasound last week and found out that we are having a boy! We're pretty excited. My mother said, "Well, how 'bout them apples?" which I think is a good thing. We are pretty excited! My only disappointment is that I don't get to paint the baby's room lavendar and have white eyelet curtains. I mean, technically I could paint it whatever color I want, but we figure that just wouldn't be right. He'd probably get mocked mercilessly by Daniel and whoever else found out about his lavendar bedroom. Oh well.

I'm not sure I'd be very good at raising a girl anyway -- I think we would be destined to not get along. Girls are too complicated, and I can say that because I am one and have been in therapy for how long? trying to figure out my mom.

The other news is that I am switching my prenatal care to the midwifery practice that is affiliated with the hospital. Since I'm leaning towards a VBAC, I think this is the better option. Patience & vigilance -- that's what they specialize in. And the docs will be right there if we need them. I've interviewed a doula as well. She seems OK, but she looks like she's about 20, which she's not because she has 3 kids, one of whom is 10. She's tiny, too and very sweet. I'm like, is she gonna be able to handle a bitchy laboring woman? But she's attended at least 30-40 births, so I suspect she's probably seen it all. She was recommended by the head of the midwifery clinic, so she's seen even more.

I liked my doctor, but there was no guarantee that he would be on call when I went into labor. Besides, he would be the attending and we'd mostly likely have a resident, a first-year-resident, doing most of the care. And that's a total crapshoot. We used the crapshoot option last time and that didn't work very well.

Go Red Sox!!!!!

May they kick the Yankees' butts, AGAIN!!

(any other fans out there)

Wednesday, July 7

Any Daily Show fans out there?

Did you miss Jon Stewart last night like we did?

Apparently, he became a papa on Saturday!

Story here --


Tuesday, July 6


Welcome to our new location!