isn't language development pretty incredible?
our little guy is almost 17 months and he's starting to talk up a storm. I apparently say "wow" quite a bit and little D has picked that up. "Wow!" he says. When he sees trucks, he exclaims, "kuh! kuh!" He tried to show his toy truck to our midwife today, saying "kuh! kuh!"
Tonight we were sure that he was saying two and eight as we were looking at a book that had numbers in it. "Too! Ay! Too! Ay!" Everything is an exclamation. He says OK and something that sounds like "let's go."
He says "shoes" and if he wants to go outside, he'll bring his shoes to you to put on. If you ask him where the duck is, he'll go find it and say "quack, quack, quack!"
The only problem with them learning words though is you can't pretend like you don't hear them or don't understand them b/c they'll just keep saying it over and over and over. :)
He's started biting more though which is not very fun. His favorite thing to do is bite my knee, especially when I'm not paying attention to him, like when I'm . . . say. . . on the computer, for example. :) At first I tried to stop him from doing it, because it bugs the crap out of me and he's starting to do it harder. But that only seems to make him do it more. So, I've started trying to ignore it, but then ask him a question like "are you hungry?" or something like that, trying to teach him (eventually) to use words to ask for what he wants. Who knows -- there's probably not much to be done -- it's just one of the phases they go through. The thing is sometimes he's doing it out of frustration but sometimes he's just playing -- and he gets this from us. We'll play bite him while chasing him, so of course he's going to do that back eventually. Duh.
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