Friday, May 6

Cake or green beans?

I bought this book recently in order to stave off those restless late afternoons when I just can't read the Big Truck Book one more time. This afternoon, we made the dump cake. So, it started out like this:

Me: "We're going to go downstairs and make a cake!"

D: "Birthday cake? Birthday party!"

Me: No. Just a regular cake, but we are going to make it!

D: Birthday cake? (downstairs now, looking for the birthday cake.)

Me: No. We are going to make a cake!

D: ????? Where's the cake?

I get out the ingredients and put them on Daniel's little table.

First step: pour can of pineapple juice in bottom of greased pan.

I give D a spoon and show him how to use the spoon to put some of the pineapple in the pan.

D grabs the spoon and gets a big spoonful of the pineapple and proceeds to eat it.
D: Cake?
Me: No. We are making a cake. Then, we'll put it in the oven to bake.

OK, guess I'll just do this part.

Next, the can of cherry pie filling. I'll just scoop this out, too. D takes his spoon and scoops out a big old glob of filling, putting it right into (or near) his mouth. OK, I think, he can have that, no big deal. Except . . . he apparently doesn't like cherries in cherry pie filling, so he spits it back out. I catch it before he spits it back into the pan.

Last part: dump yellow cake mix over the cherry pie filling. I put some in a cup for D to pour in the pan. He does it! Hey, he's getting the hang of it. Another cupful, in the same place as the first.

Me: D, put some over here. (as he dumps another cupful in the same place.)

Me: No, over here. (in the same place.)

Me: Here, over here. (dumps it into my lap.)

Me: grumble, grumble, grumble.

OK, last part. I cut the butter up on top.

Me: OK, we are putting it the oven now to cook. But you can't touch the oven. It's very hot, OK? Very hot?

D: ????

I put the cake in the oven.
D: Cake? Cake?! Cake!!! (shocked that we are not eating the cake, but putting it out of reach in the hot. hot. oven)

Me: No. We have to bake it. It's baking in the oven.

D: (crying) cake.

Me: We'll have some soon.

45 minutes later.

Me: The cake is ready!

I scoop out some "cake" and cool it off for him.

D: Cake! Cake! (getting in his seat at the table.)

He looks at it, puzzled. It doesn't really look like any kind of cake as he knows it. He fiddles with it for a few minutes, touches it to his tongue, then puts his spoon in the bowl, and pushes it away from him.

D: Want green beans.


At 10:07 PM, Blogger Christi said...

Ahhh, that was priceless...I don't tell my son what we're making when we cook. I just tell him that he is going to help Mommy. That seems to help some. Of course, the word cake doesn't get him like the word candy does!

I love the part where he kept pouring the batter in the same place. I've had that moment SO many times!

At 8:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was hilarious. And that my friend, is why I don't even attempt to make cake. LOL!!! -susie

At 4:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAHA! It's kind of like making cake with my husband.

That was great.


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