Sunday, May 1

I have an appointment with a ppd specialist tomorrow. Kind of nervous. I'm never very good at these intial meetings where you have to summarize your life. Anyway, I hope it goes well. I'm currently taking a low level of Zol*oft and I'm hoping that perhaps increasing my dose will be enough to take the edge off. I got nervous about taking it when it was in the news related to a couple of court cases where criminal defendants claimed that the Zol*oft was the reason for their actions. I have enough irritability and my fuse is so short -- I wouldn't want to add to that at all. I'm all for being dissuaded of the idea that Zoloft is exacerbating my negative moods though. I hate trying new meds and wondering how they are going to effect me. Stupid trial and error. Plus, Z*oloft is safe with breast-feeding where most others are not. It might be nice to wean right now, but I don't really want to. Besides, Andrew has been so attached to the bo*ob the last couple of days. It's as if he knows that it's been suggested that perhaps the bo*ob might disappear. Heh. Please wish me luck.


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