Charter post of the Tom-Cruise-is-a-tool-webring.
I never really liked Tom Cruise [edited not to be kind-of-over-the-top bitchy]:). Too cocky for me and not a very good actor either. Always seems to be overcompensating for something. Maybe something is a little smaller than he'd like. Besides his stature, I mean.
Anyway, most of you have probably heard about his ridiculous comments in his Billy Bush interview last week. I know stupid people exist in this world, and I know that stupid people have a myriad of opinions on a wide variety of topics. And I would not argue for one second that they are not entitled to express them. But it takes an incredible amount of stupidity, plus a generous scoop of arrogance, ignorance and tactlessness, to air your opinions on national television by criticizing somebody who's life experiences and choices have absolutely no bearing on you whatsoever and expounding on topics you know absolutely nothing about. Talking out your ass, I think they call it. Your tiny little flat white midget-man, dating-someone-half-your-age-who-probably-is-more-into-the-idea-of-
-than-you-and-isn't-a-Scientology-freak-(I-think), toolish ass. [My apologies to any Scientologists who are reading this. I really have nothing against Scientology per se. Just against Tom Cruise.]
So, that's my little rant against Tom-the-Tool. I was hoping that maybe others more artful than myself in humorously and entertainingly (yeah I know, it's not a word, but you know what I mean)tarring and feathering the abominably stupid among us, might hold forth on this topic so I could just link to them and say, "yeah that." But maybe it's just not worth anyone else's breath.
I have no idea what Tom Cruise said on there, but I saw a clip of him on Oprah, and he looked pretty ridiculous. He was hooping and hollering all over the place b/c he's so in love with his new g/f...which is a little sick.
Oh I love that term! Tom-the-tool! He is *such* an icky creep. I don't even know what he said but I just love your description of him!
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