Tuesday, May 10

Yesterday we spent all day at home. It was a park day for playgroup no. 1. Parks are not a good idea for us these days, so we skipped this week. Mommy was going a little stir crazy though, so we got out early this morning and went to the mall play area. The mall play area rocks because it's enclosed and there's usually lots of other little guys there running around. We go there right before 10:00 and were the first ones there, but soon there were more. Daniel had a good time running around, climbing on the play equipment and screeching his toddler language at other little toddlers who sometimes screeched back and sometimes ran away crying. Not sure why.

After a while Daniel started wanted to escape which usually means he's ready to leave and such was the case this time. I put him in the stroller and supplied him with some goldfish and off we went. Mommy got to do a little shopping even! I got a pair of sandals for myself and a pair for him since he's already outgrown the ones I got him last month. The baby slept in the Snugli for most of the time.

Daniel crashed out hard for his nap from all the activity and socializing. A good day in toddlerdom.

Tomorrow, we have playgroup no. 2. This is the park-loving playgroup that I've seriously been considering dropping out of completely because of their obsession (not really) with meeting at parks, but it's being held at someone's house tomorrow, so I think we'll make it. A fenced-in backyard and a couple of other toddlers to screech at = playgroup heaven.


At 10:40 PM, Blogger Christi said...

Parks are fun, but I can see how it could get old after a while.

At 3:08 PM, Blogger maricar lianne said...

I love playgroups. It always wears Malia out.

At 7:23 PM, Blogger suze said...

I wouldn't mind going to parks if Daniel wasn't spend his time trying to escape from them. :)


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