new blog not working yet?
Don't worry -- I've really been giving out the correct URL, but it seems that the new blog may not be appearing. It's not some elaborate ruse to fool my two readers. :)
Off to troubleshoot.
Don't worry -- I've really been giving out the correct URL, but it seems that the new blog may not be appearing. It's not some elaborate ruse to fool my two readers. :)
I'm moving. The blog, that is. Drop me an e-mail and I'll give you the new address. Don't be shy!
I'm looking at the cnn website and the coverage of the 9/11 transcripts that were released today.
A good point.
it looks a lot like lemonade. I'm just saying.
We had the TV on PBSkids at lunchtime and between the shows, they do this little bit where famous people talk about the kids shows they remember from when they were little, etc. Well, Jon Stewart's little bit came on, and he was doing it from his desk at the Daily Show.
Alas, dear blog-readers, I'm in the throes of an existential blogging dilemna: to blog or not to blog. But then, I've thought of about ten different things to right about, so maybe the crisis is over. Read on.
Fiercely protecting God's creation, er . . . or part of it: the oil part.
The Message Thing: a great op-ed piece in today's NYT outlining what the Dems should focus on by Jim Wallis. (yes, it does require registration to read, but it's free).
Are you possessive about giving out your babysitter's name and number?
today would have been better than yesterday had it not been for the fact that Andrew has come down with croup. Croup is scary. Daniel had it when he was a baby and we spent Christmas Eve in the ER that year. The doc gave him the steroid injection this afternoon, so hopefully, things will be OK tonight. I think Daniel has a milder case of it as well.
Do you ever feel like you are just teetering on the edge?
Bush names Bolton as U.N. ambassador
I was looking atMelissa's flickr photostream from BlogHer Con 2005 which took place last weekend. And I found myself wishing I was there. A weekend of hanging out, getting to know people who also enjoy playing around on their laptops, having some drinks with said fellow bloggers, and secretly taking compromising candid pics of each other and posting them online for all to see. Jana could probably provide enough content for a group live blog. How fun it would be to meet all the cool blog-people I know IRL. So whaddya think? BlogHer Con 2005, part 2 (but without all the seminars) this fall, or maybe next spring would be better so I could save up. Maybe Seattle? I've always wanted to go to Seattle. Or maybe in the Caribbean? I've always wanted to go there, too. Or maybe a cruise?