Monday, August 1

This guy?! Really?!

Bush names Bolton as U.N. ambassador

So, Bush decided to go ahead and name Bolton the UN ambassador for the U.S. Great. I think it's a super idea to put this guy in, don't you? Diplomacy so seems to be his strong suit. *smirk*

On one of the news shows that we watch on the weekends, one of the pundits suggested that Bush has been "hurt" over the opposition to his nominees. Hurt? What did he expect? A standing ovation for his choice? I think not. Of course, he was going to pick a right winger, but this guy? Really.

It's said that Bush likes Bolton's brash style. That he wanted someone who's going to go in and inform the UN of our agenda as opposed to having the UN's agenda foisted on us. Does he think appointing this guy is really going to get the message across? Is the rest of the world really going to care? Wouldn't it be better to choose a skilled, but hard-nosed diplomat to represent the U.S.'s interests? Wouldn't that give the President a better chance of advancing his agenda (not that I would agree with this agenda, but at least, we wouldn't look like the loud, obnoxious fools that the rest of the world thinks Americans are anyway)? I guess Bolton could always scream at the ambassadors from other countries and chase them around the U.N. chambers when they disagree with him. That will definitely get their attention.


At 7:21 PM, Blogger Jana said...

No wonder I drink, you know?


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