Tuesday, February 15

let me tell you about dump trucks. . . .and excavators and front-end loaders

I've got a sick toddler and an infant who wants to be held ALL THE TIME, so we've been reading lots of a library books. Library books about dump trucks and big rigs and fire engines. I don't know where my son gets his obsession with trucks. It's not anything we pushed or encouraged or anything. I'm amazed how much there is to know about trucks though. I'm hoping Andrew has different interests. I don't know if I can go through another truck obsession.

Anyway, reading seems to be a pretty good thing to do with the little guys, better than watching TV which didn't always hold Daniel's attention for very long while I was nursing. And when he was tired of it and pissed off that he wasn't in my lap, he'd go off and start pulling shit off the counters and tables and sofa onto the floor. By the way, what's the deal with just dropping stuff on the floor when they are done with it? Grrrr. So reading is good, and it makes me feel like I'm neglecting Daniel less. I'm not really neglecting him at all but it's hard to see that betrayed look in his eyes when I have to put him down to tend to a screaming baby.

I had something else to add, but as usual, by the time I get to the computer, I forget what I was thinking about.

Today was a pretty productive day. Got some laundry folded. Got the dishwasher loaded and running. Pumped 2 oz this morning. Got everybody fed and diapers changed and managed to keep myself fed so that I didn't lose my shit, at least not as much as usual.

Daniel has a pretty bad chest cold and is coughing a bunch today, so I gave him the kids' cough and cold medicine which knocked him out pretty good, but he's coughing even more this afternoon after his nap. Poor little guy. His coughing keeps waking up the baby though. Argh.

Oh, and DUDE! I got a Dell, laptop that is. We had a phat (heh) tax refund this year 'cause we didn't have the withholdings right, so we decided that we could afford it. I'm switching back from a Mac (an eMac) to a PC. DH is a hard core Mac guy and disparages PCs any chance he gets, so I'll have to put up with him running his yap now, but I'm happy.


At 4:54 PM, Blogger Kimberlee said...

Wow, Suze. I don't think I've ever seen you use the word "shit" twice in one post. ;) Keep up the good work. (hugs)


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