Friday, February 4

why do you blog?

I'm still trying to figure out this blogging thing. Clearly some people are much more verbally oriented than others. As much as I'd like to be more verbose, I'm just not a person of many words. How do people (dooce is an obvious example) find time to compose these thoughtful, lengthy well-written entries each day? It's all I can do to read a couple people's blogs each day and then maybe throw something up on mine every few days. And where do people find the time to read a zillion different people's blogs and maintain their own. And then there are people who have twelve different hobbies and manage to complete hobby projects and blog about them too along the way. Don't get me wrong. I admire all who do these things. It just makes me wonder what my problem is. Heh.

It seems to me that to be a good blogger and I'm mostly talking about mommy blogs b/c that's what mine is and that's mostly what I read, one or more of the following are true:

you enjoy share your opinions about life and things going on around you and in the world.
you enjoy writing about the day-to-day details of your life or your children's lives.
you are a witty or entertaining writer and enjoy writing.
you find writing on your blog about your life therapeutic.
you like having your own little corner of the web.

For me, it's this last one that motivates me. I like having my own little spot. What about you?


At 9:46 PM, Blogger suze said...

Wow, that is really well-said, Phaedra!

I guess I kinda feel uncomfortable putting the details of my life out there for anyone to see. But I'm kinda guarded IRL, too.

At 8:01 PM, Blogger Kimberlee said...

I have NO idea. I know that I feel somewhat inept after reading people like Dooce or Very Mom. I don't know where they find the brain power to string together cohesive and entertaining pieces.

I'm sure I'm putting people to sleep.


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