Organizationally challenged.
In case you haven't noticed, I've added some to budget/personal finance-minded blogs to my blogroll. I'm on a kick to get our budget straightened out once and for all. No more overspending. And more prioritizing of where our money is going.
Organizing and prioritizing. Two things I so totally suck at. I so want to be a good organizer. I buy lots of containers and crates and baskets to put stuff in. If I just had the right containers, I'm sure everything would just fit perfectly. Right?
Well, getting back to the budget blogs, there are some really good ones out there, and I'm gleaning all the right info. If I just get all the right info, you know, I'll have the perfect budget and never go out of it again. Right? Right.
I knew that I had bookmarked some of these blogs the other night, but I couldn't remember where. Are they in Lek*tora, my RSS reader? No. Are they in My*Yahoo? No, not there. Are they in my bookmarks file? No, not there either. Where in the frickity-frack are they? Oh yeah, I blogrolled them. Duh.
That's right, folks. I have four places that I have saved bookmarks. Not very efficient. Not very organized. I want to be organized, but that would mean choosing one place above all others, another thing I'm bad at -- making a decision. Then, it would invovling transferring everything over, which would involve lots of "Should I save this one or not?" "You don't ever look at that." "But I might want to go back there sometime. I'll save it." Ten minutes later, "Tell me again why I saved that one." And then there's the categorizing that must be done. Should this go under mom stuff or nursing stuff or baby health stuff? Should this go under homemaking or decorating or crafts or budgeting? Another exercise in losing the forest for the trees.
I think I would have stuck with something like My*Yahoo for everything, but it bugged me that I couldn't put the blog list in the wide column as opposed to the narrow one. Idiots. Who are they to tell me how wide my blog-list column should or shouldn't be?
Lek*tora, I really like, but a bunch of the blogger, heh, I just typed "blooger", sites and others don't have feeds. Or else, I just haven't figured out how to get them yet.
So, while I could be figuring all this out, like an organized person would be doing right now, I'm writing about it. Much better.
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