Sunday, July 10

Yes, I have a large baby.

We went to a party at a friend's lake house yesterday. It's tucked way away from anything on a small lake that has no public access and doesn't allow waterskis or jetskis. Our friends have a great little, rustic place with an awesome deck and screen porches, and a free-standing screened hut that is down closer to the water's edge. In this little hut is a TV, a sofa, and a nice view of the lake. We got to ride on their pontoon boat. D was interested, if a little scared. Andrew just napped in his baby (or maybe, toddler) size lifejacket.

Everyone was exclaiming over how big Andrew is. Yes, he's only six months. Yes, he's big for his age. Yes, he's long. Yes, he doesn't miss any meals. Yes, he likes to eat. Yes, he has buttery thighs. I beginning to wonder if they think it's cute that he's big or not. Well, we think he is. :) But I'm tired of trying to think of ways to respond. I'm pretty proud that he made it to 20 pounds at five months on bre*ast milk alone.

What would you say?


At 8:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got that ALL THE TIME with my amazon of a (now) toddler. People would ask me what I feed him and I'd say "lots of beer and pretzels, he loves that stuff!" or "Lard, just lard". Usually shuts them up LOL

At 9:21 PM, Blogger Christi said...

My baby's big, and she's just a month old. She's already over half way to Daniel's size! I'm proud. TJ was big, too, but not as big as her. I brag to my friends with small babies. There's not a whole lot else they can excel at right now, so just think of the wonderful talent he already has!

At 9:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its a 6-month old baby. Aside from size how much else is there for a non-parent to comment upon. Once beyond size and general cuteness, there's little more to add for a layperson... ok maybe neck control and propensity or lack there of towards fits of crying. I personally would prefer comments concerning my child's height/weight/cuteness over outlandish claims regarding a 6-month old's intelligence, innate curiosity, or talents. Spitting up and mushing it around is not indicative of a future artist, nor does a propensity towards cooing and smiling indicate a life in politics.

At 1:20 AM, Blogger rina said...

I just blogged about my boy being big for his age. Funny. He is 8 months old and over 23 pounds. It is a little weird that he is wearing clothes that would fit a child a year and a half old. But, mostly, I am proud of it. He is very healthy. Hasn't been sick at all since he was born.

At 10:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol Val.

"I don't know how he got this big - I rarely feed him!"

Suze - you've got a beautiful, growing baby :)

At 9:39 PM, Blogger suze said...

thanks, Amber! :)

yep, I'm smilin & noddin, Phae.

lol, Val. I'm going to have to use the "beer & pretzels" and "lard" comments. Too funny. :)

You are right, Mel. They totally mean well, but you just get tired of hearing it.

Anon, I'm not wishing they would comment on any of those things you mentioned.


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