Thursday, June 30

Dear Baby Andrew:

You are six months old! The time is going so fast. And you are getting so big. I was thinking this morning that your no. 3 diapers are kind of small on you. Trying to feed you in bed at night is a wrestling match.

Your smile continues to light up your whole face, including your eyes. And you smile so readily as soon as you see Momma or Dadda or even brother Daniel. Brother Daniel doesn't always pay as much attention to you as you do to him, but that may change soon.

You are a strong boy and can sit up for a little bit of time on your own. You will grab any toy or object that looks interesting and sort of in your reach. You love to manipulate toys such as rattles and your Fisher Price lights and music toy.

After a brief period where you didn't poop for eight days, Dadda realized that you were fussing because you were ready for some real food again. You are eating sweet potatoes, applesauce, pears and rice cereal. We've stopped making the rice cereal with formula because we think it might be irritating your stomach.

You've been kind of fussy lately and are also waking up a couple of time a night. Dadda tries to get you back to sleep without having to eat, but you aren't always very happy about that, so many times you end of eating anyway. We think you are teething because you are gnawing on everything that gets near you. You have a wooden rattle that you especially like to chew on. It's a rattle that Mamma bought in a book store in Martha's Vineyard for your cousin Henry. Henry out grew it and passed it along. We're glad he did!

Teething may be making you crabby, but it might also be stomach issues. We haven't quite figured it out yet.

You had your first bad virus this past month. I say "bad" because you were running a high fever and you had lots of snot and were having a hard time eating. Mamma and Dadda were a little worried. It finally subsided after a couple of days and you are pretty much back to normal. You still have a runny nose but we think that it might be because we need to change the filters in the return air vents. Because of said runny nose, Mommy's picking your nose all the time. We don't think you really like that.

You love taking a bath. Mommy usually gives it to you in the kitchen sink. You sit in the water and kick and kick and kick.

We still aren't sure what color your eyes are going to be. They are kind of a greenish-brown color, maybe a dark hazel? Who knows.


At 11:43 PM, Blogger Christi said...

I'm trying to remember how long it took for TJ's eyes to change color. I hate to think it may take six months, b/c I want to know what Reese's eye color will be now! I'm quite sure they'll change, but I'm hoping they'll turn blue, and her hair will stay brown. I think that would look so cool!

Back from my tangent...Wow! Size 3 diapers at six months, eh? I don't think TJ started on 3's till he was over a year. Of course, He's really tall and skinny. His friend who's a month younger than him was in 5's by two, and he just now started wearing them (2 1/2). I'm going nowhere with this, am I?

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