Wednesday, April 6

What is the point of playgroup, really?

It's not like the kids are playing with each other at this age. And if I'm chasing Daniel around the park (or rather the outside of the park), then it's not like I'm getting good quality adult conversation/commiseration, or any at all really, unless you count listening to the most recent Weight-Watcher/exercise update of one of the moms. Like I'm going to a gym anytime soon. Even if it has childcare. I hate the gym. I'll embarrass myself in the privacy of my own home, thank you. If I leave more pissed off than when I left, what is the point really? Somebody enlighten me, please.


At 3:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dunno, I've never been to one :(.

At 9:33 PM, Blogger Kimberlee said...

Sometimes it takes a while to find the right one. We went a small (6 moms and/or dads, depending on who could make it) group that met mostly at a local church. E. was about 2 at the time.

The fact that they were in one room with a few large (kitchenette, ride-ons, etc.) toys made it a little easier. We only ventured to the park when they were a little older. Occasionally, I'd get together with one or two of the moms for a smaller outing. Can't say it was a bad experience here. Just keep looking. :)

At 1:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We go to playgroup usually once a week. I first joined the Mom's Club when Brennan was a newborn because I did want to meet other mom's, but now I agree that the socializing can be a waste. But I think for me it goes in waves. They sometimes get on my nerves, and sometimes I talk it up like there's no tomorrow. I have met some really nice people though.

I think that it is sort of good way for you to get some adult contact if you don't really have any other activities. But if you have other stuff going on with Daniel, then it can be pointless.

Oh ya, I do like going because they usually go to different parks every week. So I think it is a great way to find a new park that you may have not been to before.

Good luck! -susie


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