Saturday, March 19

Let's try a meme.

Came across this meme the other day and liked it. It's called Thursday Threesome (link over in my blogroll -- I'm too lazy to put it in here. :D)

Onesome: Happy-- No matter what's going on in your life, what always makes you smile?

a tiny little face looking up at me and breaking into a grin.

Twosome: St. Patrick's-- St. Patrick's Day is March 17th. Do you celebrate and wear green? Drink Green Beer? Ignore it?

No celebrating here. I'm Scottish, not Irish. We lived in Boston for five years and you wouldn't dare admit that you don't celebrate it there. It's a big deal.

Threesome: Day-- What day of the week is your busiest?Tell us about your schedule...

Monday or Wednesday or Sunday. They are all about the same. Monday is probably the toughest, just because it's Monday, and we go to playgroup in the morning. Getting out of the house in the morning with a 2 1/2 month old, a two year old and a not-a-morning-person mom is a feat any day, but especially on Mondays. Wednesday is another playgroup, but it's usually closer than Monday's playgroup. Sunday is church. It's hectic, but I've gotten some help getting everybody ready.


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