Sunday, March 20

anyone following the NCAA tournament?

So, we live smack dab (how's that for a good southern expression) in the middle of big-time college basketball territory. And since our whole life is financed by one particular academic institution, we have no choice but to root for this particular team. Plus, they are the better team anyway. :)

I've never been a big fan of watching basketball on TV, but living in NC is curing me of that. You can't live here and not have an opinion about college hoops. We start the little ones early around here. Daniel got a kiddie basketball hoop for his birthday. When he's not trying to sit on the basketball like its an exercise ball (he watched momma do her labor preparation exercises a little too often), he'll put the ball in the basket from time to time. He's pretty non-plussed about it though like he's not sure what the point is. He's got a few years, though. He's definitely got height in the genes -- I'm 5'11" -- his dad's 6'2" -- my brother is 6'6" and one of his dad's sisters is 5'9" or so. What we're not sure that he's going to have is the coordination. We are not the most athletically inclined people on the planet, to say the least. We'll see what happens.

Isn't it fun watching your kids grow and become these little people with certain quirks and proclivities and likes and dislikes? Sometimes, they are really puzzling. For example, Daniel hates it when cars or trucks or trains are battery operated and move on their own. He fusses and cries. He acts like he's scared. We can't figure it out. And then there's his love of canned green beans. He'll eat a whole plate of them. Go figure. We'll remind him of this later. Heh.

Anyway, I've rambled enough for tonight and should have gone to bed about two hours ago. I did get our taxes done tonight finally. Nice fat refunds coming our way. Yippee!

I do however have one more thing to say though before I sign off: Dook sucks. :D


At 8:05 PM, Blogger Jana said...



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