Thursday, December 9

Speaking of being pregnant . . .

So, yes, we are expecting bambino no. 2 on or before Jan.4, 2005. Maybe after, but I kind of doubt it. We are getting excited but kind of stressed out, too. Stressed out about getting through X-mas, getting everything set up and ready to go, stressed about money, stressed about how I'm gonna handle the Wilful Toddler and a Newborn.

Yesterday, Daniel went into time-out at least five times. All related to trying to scalp or otherwise separate the cat from its skin. I can't tell if he's jealous because he sees us pet her or what. He definitely doesn't like it when Daddy puts him in time-out. Daddy's his bud. When I put him in time-out, I think he's just happy to have a break. It doesn't seem to phase him very much. Finding a good effective way to discipline is tricky. I just know that time-out became ridiculously ineffective for my nephews.

Anyway, back to the pregnancy update. I am huge and the baby is low. It hurts to walk around a lot or really at all. Turning over in bed is near to impossible without assistance. I'm feeling kind of house-bound which isn't good for Daniel or me. I'm just not up to chasing him around anymore. I think we'll brave the mall a little later today though b/c they have an enclosed play area for the little guys. He can burn off some steam, so maybe there will be less feline abuse later in the day. I have to say that I really kind of like being pregnant. I like feeling the little guy squirming around in there and wondering what he's going to look like.

My last delivery was by c-section. I've decided to try for a VBAC this time. I've learned a lot more about the mechanics of childbirth this time. We've taken the childbirth refresher course, learned what relaxation techniques work better for me, hired a doula, sat on the birth ball. Heh. Still scared, but much more prepared than last time. I KNOW how bad it can hurt this time.

I'm craving chocolate lately, cranberry sauce (canned), grapefruit and milk. For the last few nights, I've woken up hungry which hasn't happened for a while.


At 6:32 PM, Blogger Procrastinating perfectionist said...

Good luck and I really hope you get your vbac, but just to let you know the second c-section is easier. The recovery part of it. I don't know if it's because you know what to expect. I was due with Henry on the 6th of January so reading your post brought me back 3 years! I ended up having him 2 days before Christmas and while things were hectic, once I was in the hospital all that mattered was the baby and family and friends understood. It all has a way of working out. Your little one sounds so much like Henry. You should have seen last weeks story time at the library! Just imagine me running around trying to get him to sit! Anyhow, it's like we are in the same boat, only I am a few months ahead of you! LOL Can't wait to hear updates! I will be checking in all the time. I am taking a break from the boards but will check in there too to watch for your news!

At 3:34 PM, Blogger suze said...

Thanks, Tamara! :)


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