Looking for positive things about having kids 21-22 months apart . . .
Sometimes I wonder what on earth I was thinking by having two kids so close together. What was I thinking? I at least should have gotten one potty-trained and into preschool. I can barely deal with one toddler on some days. Patience is definitely not one of my virtues. I guess I'll figure it out and I know that'll I'll love this little guy just as much, but mostly I'm scared right now. The summers are long here. What are we going to do? I go stir-crazy staying in the house all the time, but it's not going to be the easiest taking us all out together. Plus, Daniel gets really cranky when he doesn't get out, too. Not that I blame him. We need to start going back to story-time at the library. He learned songs and little dances and fun stuff there and the room is at least enclosed on all sides so he can't escape. Ha-ha. :) We'll continue with playgroups. Those are good for D and me. Although I enjoy them more at other people's houses where I don't have to spend the whole time chasing him, like, say, when we go to a park. Is he content hanging out where the play equipment is? Nope, of course not, he's running for the woods or the parking lot or whatever. He's not really a crafts kind of kid either, at least at this stage. Not too entertained by crayons or finger-painting. He just wants cars, more and more cars, oh, and trucks and fire engines. I had to hide his favorite "Big Truck Book" because I just couldn't take it anymore. There's only so many times that you can look at pictures of diggers, excavators, skid steers, semi-trucks, etc. before you just want to through up. Plus, the book is so big, he'd eventually wack some part of my head or body with it in an attempt to get me to read it. Not on purpose. But getting whacked with the big-truck-book just kind of added insult to injury.
I found this board book that has the ABC's of baseball in it -- pictures from baseball for each letter. Pedro Martinez is in there. There' s a Boston Red Sox hat and also a picture of the Green Monster under "G." There's also a photo of Yankee Stadium, but I won't tell you what I'm teaching him to call that. Is teaching your child mild profanity even if he doesn't know what it means and will eventually forget a bad thing? Um, . . . maybe you shouldn't answer that. Anyway, just trying to broaden his interests from all-things-wheeled to one of his daddy's favorite subjects, and broaden his vocabulary, too.
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