Shhh. Be very, very quiet. . .
I think Andrew just fell asleep on his own in the crib while watching his mobile. I could be wrong. Maybe I've become temporarily deaf. I'm not sure. But it is very, very quiet up there and there are no little red lights blaring on the monitor.
I took him up and put him down in his crib in order to put Daniel down for his nap, fulling expecting to come back and coax the baby into dreamland. But looks like he made it there unassisted. This is pretty remarkable given the fact that I was called home early just this morning by my babysitter because he was so unhappy from teething and she didn't know what else to do. (She's only a high school student, and believe me, when Andrew gets mad and starts screaming, you lose any sense that you may have had in your head.) The teething with him has been really rough. We've been relying heavily on Tylenol and Ibuprofen and oh yeah, my boo*bs. Can't say that I'm really enjoying it that much, but at least it quells the screaming. He's normally such a good-natured baby. I hope that we haven't scared the babysitter away.
Andrew definitely has a preference for Mama. I hope that it's only because he's teething. He also gets like that when he's going through a growth spurt or is hungry. . . or. . . when he's sleepy . . . or . . . hmmmm, well, that's a lot of the time. The other night he was awake and crying and I was trying to get him back to sleep. I had my glasses on and I think he didn't recognize me at first. At one point, he stopped screaming long enough to open his eyes and you could almost see something click in his brain. I think he actually almost immediately stopped mid-scream and grinned when he realized that, oh, that is mama, silly me.
Come on out, toothies. We're ready.
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