Saturday, July 16

Blah-dee, blah-dee, blah.

That's how I'm feeling tonight. Kids keep waking up screaming. I've heard so much crying and screaming in the last week that I hear it in my head even when they are quiet.

The baby is constipated. He's been passing little turds for about the last 24 hours. I'm hoping those prunes kick in very soon. J is upstairs walking him around while he screams for about the fifth time tonight. I feel bad for the little guy, but I just don't know what to do and I'm kind of at the end of my rope.

J submitted his big grant on July 1st, then we had two different sets of guests for a week, then we had "vacation" for a week. By the way, say a big "Hooray!" to J for getting his grant in. He worked very, very hard. He deserved a big break. I'm not sure that spending a week on an island with a 6 month-old and a two year old was the relaxation he needed, or I needed for that matter.

And the car rides. They were a real hoot. Nothing like driving with two children screaming at the top of their lungs, trying to find a place to stop. Daniel would just totally flip out when he got tired of riding in the car or when his brother would start crying.

Oops, gotta go. Baby's still screaming and I'm sure J needs a break.


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