Starting late yesterday afternoon, I started having contractions off and on. They continued through the night waking me up a couple of times. I woke DH up at some point to give him the heads up just in case things continued to move forward. WE got back to sleep off and on. Daniel woke up at 5:00 a.m., yes 5:00 a.m., so DH was up with him after that. I got a few more hours of sleep. The contractions continued on throughout the day and by about 2:30 they were closer and gaining in intensity. So, we started making the rounds of calls to people -- my aunt, my parents, the midwife. But somehow in the hub-ub of doing all this, the contractions tapered off. :( I think my uterus got cold feet or something. Now they are just sporadic. What happened? Where did they go? The midwife told us to just sit tight until they were 4-5 minutes apart. I'm feeling some every now and them. But where'd they go? I hate the fits and starts of early labor. I feel bad b/c my aunt has come down to stay with Daniel, but probably will have to leave and come back later on. Maybe I should have just scheduled the frickin' c-section so that everybody could work it into their schedules. Sometimes I wish I could just go crawl into a dark cave away from everybody to give birth and not feel like I have to worry about everybody else. That's the way animals do it, isn't it?
This is absolutely, without question, for me anyway, the worst part of pregnancy. Sending hugs your way.
Those starts & stops are the worst. I hope you get a break from them today.
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