Friday, March 25

bitching ahead

I'm. so. tired.

We all seem to have colds. Again. Throat scratchy. Nose stuffed up. The baby likes to nurse to help himself to feel better. Daniel has a hard time napping because all that snot doesn't drain. Ugh. He hates, hates, hates having his nose wiped. It's like torture to him. Before I had kids, when I'd see a kid in the public with a dirty now, I was all like, why don't their mom or dad clean their nose before taking them out into public. Now I know why. Because they scream bloody murder and fight you tooth and nail every time you try. He's getting strong, too.

His cold hasn't seemed to diminish his obsession with trucks though. His current favorite book is the yellow pages. He's looking at it now, as a matter of fact. Searching for pictures of cars and trucks and vans and whatever vehicles he can find.

He's also discovered bugs. Yesterday, he found an ant crawling around the kitchen floor and yelled, "Bug!" Then laid down and watched it move along. He was very excited.


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